Thursday, December 31, 2009

Drs. Jeremy + Stephanie Nelms, PT

So it's official..there are TWO physical therapists in the Nelms' household!!! Jeremy passed back in October, but unfortunately I missed by two questions my first go around. Yes, that's right-TWO questions!!! After several weeks of being supported by my husband (financially and emotionally-talk about testing the limits of a newlywed!) I gave it another try and PASSED!

Okay so here is the run down of what happened in October. Jeremy and I registered for the exact same time, date, and place but somehow the day BEFORE the test, we realized something got messed up in his registration process and he actually MISSED his test date (nightmare)!!! So we frantically tried the next day to resolve the issue, but FSB decided to take the day off. So I was left to take the test alone and a little frazzled. But it all worked in the end....just took me a little longer than expected.

We both took jobs here in Paris. It's a little different setup than most places. The PT clinic here staffs both hospitals and the OP. The idea that started was continuity of care from acute, rehab, to HH or OP services. So Jeremy does acute at the south hospital and I will be in rehab at the north hospital. A little different but nice that we won't see each other all day at work, then all night at home! So we will have a wonderful start to the new year....TWO paychecks!!! All I can say is....HELLO CLOSEST MALL!!!

Happy New Year!!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Monday, December 7, 2009

Our First Christmas Tree.....

okay so can't really see the tree, but it's pretty! Okay, so it's actually a little bare, so I think it's more appropriate to say "it has great potential!" haha. But we decided...whether it's lame to anyone else... to do red and black decorations. Actually I decided and more so Jeremy agreed. At first, I didn't think anyone would have any black decorations (a little goth, I know) but I was pleasantly surprised to see WalMart of all places had black ornaments! They truly try to please the masses!

Coach Clark

My brother's team made the playoffs (but unfortunately lost in the 2nd round) so we decided to make the roadtrip to cheer him on. Here is some pictures of us trying to keep entertained during halftime..... So for some reason they were playing "YMCA" and Jeremy tricked my Mom into standing up and doing the motions! Yes, he said "I'll do it, if you do" haha... Sorry Mom!

And here is the enthusiastic coach!!!

I couldn't resist!

A few weeks ago, Jeremy was a groomsmen in one of his good friends weddings. Somehow during the "getting ready" time with the other groomsmen and groom, the boys stumbled across some hats and just couldn't resist the photo-op. Enjoy! They are quite amusing! And no, this were NOT their wedding attire!

Jeremy and his (I think) lifelong buddy Kyle......or at least his "P.I.C."
Jason (groom), Jeremy, and Kyle...


As usual, Jeremy and I spent our Thanksgiving at the Cowboys game this year. We were both very THANKFUL that Jerry didn't get the Jonas brothers to sing during halftime again this year- we had enough middle aged women jumping up and down for the Jonas' last year! Daughtry did put on a good show so it was worth it. We were afraid at first that we wouldn't make it to the game. Jeremy was scheduled to work the holiday :( But, after he saw all his patients Thursday morning, we took off to Jerry land!

This year we decided to have a more Turkey Day "appropriate" meal and had turkey legs, broccoli rice casserole, mashed potatoes, AND rolls! Okay so everything was made ahead of time and we just heated it up on the grill, but still I was quite impressed with our effort! Here a few pictures of our celebration:

So we are too cheap to buy paper plates and I didn't want to take anything that would break, so please excuse the cake pans....
MMMM.....turkey leg!

Not really sure what is going on with my hand there!

Halftime entertainment.... side note: we were sitting by a guy from Oakland who literally flew all the way just for the game (why, I don't know!). Anyways, so when they began setting up the stage he says "what is this, the superbowl??" I kindly informed him that Jerry goes all out for Thanksgiving!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

It's FINALLY here....

The table that is! After waiting patiently at Alliance Airport for approval (???), the table finally made its' grand entrance into our home! The best part, although the company said we would have to assemble it, the delivery guys put it together...Probably the best birthday present for Jeremy (since he didn't have to do it!) Now to scrub the floors and clean house before the nieces come over to mess it all up! Got to love little kiddos :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Okay so actually I have had these for months but for some reason the blog didn't want me to post this?!?! Anyways, we have been very fortunate that we have been able to make it to THREE Cowboys games this season (and will be going to more-Thanks Mom and Dad!) But these were from the season opener and for some reason when I tried to add the rest the blog wouldn't update the new pics. So here is just a few to give you a taste of how truly AMAZING the new stadium is! When you first walk up to the stadium, they have an outdoor "lounge" where there is a full service bar, a dj, and couches! I guess Jerry just wanted to make sure everyone is comfy! But our seats are pretty great- mostly because for whatever reason we have an extra 6 inches of foot space compared to other rows and our own concession and bathroom. So ladies.... NO LINE AT THE RESTROOM!! At least that makes me happy (obviously doesn't take much!). I will try to be better about posting...lots of pictures of the house to update on!

Here are the cheerleaders doing their usual pre-game routine...

Yes there is a drum line now...not sure why!

A picture from the HUGE tv!!!

This is George W. and Laura Bush for the coin toss....

Because having the cheerleaders just isn't enough....they had to add "Rhythm and Blues Dancers" (with the drum line).... I wonder when they auditioned if the job description included "will wear space outfits while dancing in a cage"

Roger Staubach....

They were unveiling (sp?) the ring....

Okay so like I said....there are MORE pictures from during the game and the other games, but I just can't get this thing to work. Oh well, next time!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Our Pride and Joy!!!

Okay something about boxers I never knew is that they "prance" or hop around when they get very excited. I had never seen this before and thought I would share! Please ignore Jeremy and me taunting her to make her run around, haha!

The House!!!

Okay we still aren't completely done with the house (is anyone ever really done when they remodel their home?!?!) The kitchen like I said will probably always be a work in progress but it is livable. It's OUR home and that's all that matters!!!

Here is the front porch

And a view of the front door

This is the living room

Here is the beautiful chandelier in the dining room

The table has been just hasn't made it here yet! So it's a little empty in the mean time

This is the front bedroom/office. The problem with a house older than both of COMBINED is no storage space!

The hallway looking from the front bedroom to our room.

Here is the bathroom. Probably one of the few rooms that is near completion!

Okay so here is the funny story. We saw this at a rustic store and thought it was perfect for TP. But once we got home we realized that it is actually for a hand towel, haha! It works though right?

Okay I have to brag a little bit. Jeremy tiled the entire bathroom-yes floor AND the shower! It looks so amazing!

And here is our room.

This is my side of the closet....

...And Jeremy's side. He did such a great job putting it all together!

A view of the closet from the side door in the hallway

This is the kitchen. I know it still needs some work (paint would help with that too!) but it will take some more time and $$$

And a view of the back porch. It originally stopped at the poles but Jeremy and his dad added on the rest of it in one day!

And the backyard, AKA Dutchess' playground (or cat hunting territory)

Okay the end! For now anyways.