Monday, July 27, 2009


To say that our house has changed drastically would be an understatement! Here are some pictures over the last month or so. The top half are older and the bottom half are more recent. We have most of the paint done now and just have the wood floors left to do. We were able to pull up the carpet which I think made a HUGE difference in the way everything looks! Sorry for so many pictures...

Josh was such a great helper! If you ever need someone to paint edges...hire him!

So Jeremy had the genius idea to use his spray gun to paint the ceiling....and you see the end result!

Here is the living room....

..Dining room.....


...our bedroom....

Okay these are the important pics...they actually show the AMAZING progress we have made! Here is the front door going into the living room....

More of the living room...

This is the guest bedroom closet

Windows in the guest bedroom
This is a view of the dining room looking into the living room

More dining room (I think I am proud of the blue)...

This is the hallway going from the guest room looking into our bedroom...

Yes there are FIVE wooden windows in our room. Pretty to look at, no so pretty to paint!

Our closet in the bedroom (Jeremy's handy work)

We have double, sliding closet doors that go there, but we are holding out to put them up!

The bathroom tile that I must say I am truly impressed that Jeremy did all of it!

The toilet Jeremy is so proud of.....

...because of the flush "buttons"........yes, it has a "1" and a "2" button based on the amount of water you need. (see why he LOVES it so much)

...AND then there is the kitchen, TBD. We are planning (when we have jobs, i.e. $$$) that we will have the counter "L" to the left so we can have extra space. We are going to do bead board halfway up the walls, but the color we still aren't sure about. Cabinets are another story, but hoping we can salvage them and make them work! Whew....that took awhile!