Thursday, December 31, 2009

Drs. Jeremy + Stephanie Nelms, PT

So it's official..there are TWO physical therapists in the Nelms' household!!! Jeremy passed back in October, but unfortunately I missed by two questions my first go around. Yes, that's right-TWO questions!!! After several weeks of being supported by my husband (financially and emotionally-talk about testing the limits of a newlywed!) I gave it another try and PASSED!

Okay so here is the run down of what happened in October. Jeremy and I registered for the exact same time, date, and place but somehow the day BEFORE the test, we realized something got messed up in his registration process and he actually MISSED his test date (nightmare)!!! So we frantically tried the next day to resolve the issue, but FSB decided to take the day off. So I was left to take the test alone and a little frazzled. But it all worked in the end....just took me a little longer than expected.

We both took jobs here in Paris. It's a little different setup than most places. The PT clinic here staffs both hospitals and the OP. The idea that started was continuity of care from acute, rehab, to HH or OP services. So Jeremy does acute at the south hospital and I will be in rehab at the north hospital. A little different but nice that we won't see each other all day at work, then all night at home! So we will have a wonderful start to the new year....TWO paychecks!!! All I can say is....HELLO CLOSEST MALL!!!

Happy New Year!!!!

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