Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rain, Rain GO AWAY!!!

Being the unproductive housewife that I am, this rain is just killing me! Dutchess won't go outside to use the bathroom, so she follows me around everywhere I go (tripping me, of course!) Everyday the weatherman says,"clearing skies tomorrow" but I swear it feels like it's been raining non-stop for a week!!! This is a picture of my front yard or lake front property, you decide!!!

Well Jeremy has been busy working all day everyday and I keep busy running errands and studying. It's been such a big ordeal just for me to be able to register for my exam, which makes studying the last thing I want to do. Long story short, the driver's license office in Austin is running behind and it will take 6 weeks to get my new license. The Federation of State Boards of PT (in Virginia) won't let me take the test without a license unless I change my information back to Clark. The Executive Council of PT/OT (in Austin) originally said they couldn't change my info back to Clark, but later said if I mailed a letter for permission they would, then after my test I could mail another letter to change it back to Nelms (paperwork NIGHTMARE!!!). Apparently I am the first person in the history of this exam to have encountered this problem and no one really knew what to do. So, instead I am attempting to get a passport in (ridiculous that it's quicker than a license) time to test when I want, and not have to wait 6 more weeks. Told you it was a long story ;)

Paris has been good to me. It hasn't been too bad living here. I joined a boot camp-like workout program that some local military guys do. It's 4 days a week for 10 weeks. Working on my trophy-wife look so this is helping!!! Plus it's helping me other people in the area. The only bad this is that right when I leave to go workout Jeremy is getting home from work, which makes it really hard on these rainy days to stay motivated to go.

Well we are just staying busy still setting up house and studying. I just can't grasp the idea of studying everything I learned in 3 years in a month which makes getting motivated that much harder. But hearing all of our friends passing the test every week keeps me motivated so that we can join the "I passed on my first try" club. Oh and on a side note, so we got to Cabo and my camera battery was dead and I forgot the charger. When we got back home I realized that the battery just wouldn't charge. I called the company and they said the battery was faulty and sent me a new battery!!! So (eventually) I will post pictures of the house. Plus, our table should be here any day now so I want to wait to get pictures of that too :) (THANKS MOM and DAD!!!!)

1 comment:

  1. I like your lake front property, now if we could just figure out how to load it with fish and drive a boat on it...enjoy being a housewife, you'll be a working girl soon...well, not a working girl...hopefully...this just keeps getting worse!!
